BorderWeb Delinquent Account Policy We continually attract clients who are eager to take advantage of our low prices, and prompt attention to their needs. This interest in our services means that accommodating delinquent clients is simply not necessary. Keeping track of delinquent accounts is a time consuming hassle that results in higher prices for everyone. We find no reason to penalize good customers for the complacency of others. Those who allow their account to become delinquent, create a situation for themselves where they are unable to compete for our attention, with clients who pay their bill on time, and they threaten the value that those clients receive. Delinquent accounts: 1 - 5 days past due - Updates are suspended for thirty days. Your account must be current to receive website updates. Automated courtesy reminders will go out daily, by email. 6 - 10 days Past Due - Email services are suspended. To re-activate your email services, your balance must be paid in full PLUS a $100 reactivation fee. 11 – 15 days Past Due – Website is suspended. To re-activate your website, your balance must be paid in full PLUS a $100 re-activation fee. This reactivation fee is IN ADDITION TO THE EMAIL REACTIVATION FEE. If you are 11-15 days past due, It will cost $200 in reactivation fees, plus your balance paid in full, in order to get you website and email back online. Additionally, you may be required to post a deposit. 16 or more days past due – Website and email accounts are deleted, and reactivation is no longer offered. If we are holding your domain name, it will be released to you once your balance is paid in full. If your account is delinquent, and you are concerned that payment by mail may not make it to us in time to avoid suspension or deletion, you may bring your account up to date by paying online here. We urge you to remain part of our significant group of clients |