
Personal Service in an Automated World

Monthly Newsletter  - February 2012
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This month's new websites include Coplan's Outdoor Power Equipment, located behind Sirloin Stockade, on the west side of the Central Glass & Mirror building. Coplan's Outdoor Power Equipment Services and repairs all types of outdoor power equipment. lawnmowers, trimmers, garden tractors, tillers, even sports equipment like go carts. Coplan's also services and repairs contractor equipment such as generators, air nailers, portable welders, and air compressors.

Verde West Ranch



Also new this month, a website for Verde West Ranch Property Owners Association. Handy information for property owners at Verde West Ranch, as well as an interface with our real estate clients RE/MAX and Texas Heritage Real Estate, which displays Verde West Ranch properties listed for sale at these offices.


Handy Things to Know


"Permission only" email, and other solutions to spam. Those of you who have been doing business for years with your email address out front, may find yourselves receiving more spam than is manageable, but reluctant to change your email address due to the related hassle of notifying everyone of the change. There are several ways we can help you with this. First remember these points.

  • Once spammers have your address they give it to more spammers.

  • Asking to be removed from a spammer's email list only confirms to spammers that their spam is reaching you.

  • If spammers have your email address, and any indication that their spam is reaching you, you will get spam, even with spam filters set at maximum.

  • Be aware that spam filters set to maximum can, at times, block mail that you wish to receive.


  • Address change: We can change your address, leaving your old address active, receiving mail until everyone is aware of the change. Email programs allow you to receive mail from as many email accounts as you wish. (You must  never expose this new account on websites!) Eventually, you can delete the old account from your email program, or continue to use it as your "exposed account".

  • Permission only email: We can make your "exposed account" permission only. This is superbly effective. We simply add your address book or contact list to your mail server's safe list, giving those senders permission to send email to you, and block all others. This safe list is on the admin side of the mail server, and is very effective. If a spammer tries to send spam to you, the spam won't even leave the spammer's outbox. Read More



Please Consider Supporting the Val Verde County Library Expansion Project. Our Library is busy like Wal-Mart.  There are marketing opportunities on the VVCLEP website. Become a supporter!

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