Website & Email Services

The truth is, if you try to develop a web presence for your business without having a good idea of how things work, or, without the help of someone who does know, you'll find yourself making less than optimal decisions, and compromising your way to a web presence that's just "good enough."

At the very least, BorderWeb can help you understand the process.

Domain Names
The first thing you need is a Domain Name, which should not cost you more that $10 - $15 per year. Some very catchy names may cost a lot more to acquire, but once you've acquired your name, the cost is nominal. Don't be fooled by outfits who want to charge more than $15 per year for a domain name.

Your domain name is held in a Registrar account. This is a domain name account at an accredited Registrar, that you access with a username and password. Registrar accounts contain contact information for the domain name owner, technical administrator, etc., and information that tells the cyber world which web server is hosting the domain name - where the website and email server can be found. Your domain name is a valuable business asset, and this account should be administered at the highest possible level of your company.

BorderWeb uses web servers located at GoDaddy data centers in Arizona. When you use BorderWeb, Your website and email services are hosted on rock solid systems in secure data facilities.